Rockin' Box 33

Live Music + Casa on 33rd + You = A Rockin’ Good Time!

Patricia Vonne 8-21-15

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San Antonio, Texas has always been the musical and cultural crossroads of the Lone Star State, fusing the state’s modern Anglo-centric history with its centuries-old Latino past. Patricia Vonne is a product of this cultural menudo, growing up with the diverse blend of music in a family of ten wildly creative children- including her older brother, film director Robert Rodriquez. Through five albums, Vonne has found her own sound, harvesting a hybrid mix that has been interpreted as Texas border rock. Her latest album, titled Viva Bandolera, is a compilation of Spanish songs collected from her five previous albums that explore her experience as a Tejana. Out June 23rd on Bandolera Records, the album consists of 17 tracks including revised versions of “Severina” and the title track “Viva Bandolera.”

Check out her new award winning video!

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